Stretching over 80,000 acres, Golden Gate National Recreation Area is the Nation’s largest national park in an urban setting. With points of interest displaying magnificent wilderness as well as rich cultural importance, the park truly caters to all audiences. On the San Francisco side, The Presidio offers clusters of artillery batteries to visit as well as urban trails. Just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, one enters the Marin Headlands, a high elevation, coastal area with winding trails that encircle lush hills. Looking south, fog oozes down the hillside towards the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and a panoramic view of the compact city. From any other direction, one can stand in awe of the rolling hillside bursting with native plants such as the conspicuous orange monkey flower.

I am a Centennial Volunteer Ambassador for GGNRA working alongside the Volunteer Coordinator for the Marin Headlands Facility Maintenance Division. Our projects vary from graffiti abatement at the several historic batteries in the area and brush clearing along pathways to clean-ups on  the various coastal beaches. Over the past few weeks, we have worked with volunteer groups such as a Jewish father and son group, a large medical research corporation, a Girl Scout troop, an international conservation corps and an inner-city youth program.

Featured are photos from our graffiti abatement at Battery Spencer (one of the more popular Golden Gate viewing points) with ACE (American Conservation Experience). Together we painted over 4,620 square feet in the historic military sites!

Until Next Time,


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